Sunday School Registration Begins – Thursday, Aug 1, 2024
Sunday School classes for the 2024-2025 year begin – Sunday, September 15th 2024
New Lourdes Member? If you have not registered:
You must register as a new user and create a user name and password; once you’ve registered you will receive an email of acknowledgement. As soon as the office receives the registration, you’ll be sent an email allowing you to enroll your child in Sunday School. Registration has been discounted to $80.00 per family and $45.00 for an individual child.
Instructions: To make the payment for Religious Education, visit Our Lady of Lourdes Online Giving Page:
If you have any issues with registration please email: Carol Ann Pinard :
Existing Lourdes Member and already registered:
Log In with the username and password have previously set up to log into ParishSoft. Navigate to the Family Education tab and enroll your students for the 2023 -2024 Enrollment Term
(example pictured below)