VIRTUS Trainings
The Archdiocese of Atlanta requires all clergy, employees, independent contractors and volunteers working with children, youth, and/or vulnerable individuals to attend the VIRTUSProtecting God’s Children (PGC) training before they begin paid or volunteer work within the Archdiocese of Atlanta. The VIRTUS Protecting God’s Children (PGC) training consists of an online background screening and a VIRTUS Live (3-hour) training session.
Who should attend VIRTUS?
■ All clergy and staff, as well as any volunteers whose duties involve contact with minors and vulnerable adults, must attend a VIRTUS Training.
■ All children participating in one of our faith formation programs are offered a child appropriate presentation each year.
■ All parents, guardians and adults are strongly encouraged to attend.
To Learn more about VIRTUS and Register to attend a VIRTUS Training: https://www.virtusonline.
Create an account and pre-register
A summarized version of the registration steps is listed below:
- Go to https://www.virtusonline.org/virtus/
- Click on Registration
- Select Begin the Registration Process
- Select Atlanta, GA (Archdiocese) from the drop down menu
- Create User ID and password – Do not use a shared email address
- Complete personal information
- Select primary location, role, and title (If you are an EMPLOYEE of the Archdiocese of Atlanta, please select your employer as the primary location)
- Select a Protecting God’s Children session from the list
If you have any questions regarding any Safe Environment matter, please feel free to contact the Safe Environment Office at 404-920-7550 or either of the individuals below.
Jenni Weldin, jweldin@archatl.com
Gina Garcia, ggarcia@archatl.com