“Growing In Love, Wisdom and Goodness on Earth and in Heaven” is the theme of our upcoming Adult Faith Formation seminar which will be held on Saturday June 10 from 10:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. The speaker will be Lourdes own Theresa Johnson – Spiritual Director & Theology Teacher at St. Pius High School. A small donation of $8.00 is requested and lunch is included. The $8.00 payment can be mailed to the Church office, paid online or paid at the door. Attendees may also contact Deacon Lenny at (404) 644-7554 or email lalexa4@comcast.net for additional information.
Come explore St. Gregory of Nyssa’s teachings on this theme. An Early Church Father, St. Gregory taught that Christ became human so all humanity “might become divine” and return to immortal life. Jesus’ Life, Death and Resurrection along with Pentecost’s Gift of the Holy Spirit open this joyful, dynamic life of communion with God and one another to all people.